Kristen Terrette’s review of Daniel Hill's book
White Lies:
Nine Ways to Expose and Resist the Racial Systems That Divide Us
She said she probably preferred Hill’s book over Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison. This was kind of a shock, since I love Morrison’s book and its group curriculum! It’s one we’ve used at our church before. But after reading White Lies, I know exactly why she made the claim.
She and I are both White Christian women, currently living in the suburbs. We both are on a spiritual journey, as Pastor Hill calls it, learning and growing in knowledge of the reality of White privilege, White supremacy, and race divisions. We both have a strong desire for racial reconciliation and unity, and to see the world and especially the Church, awaken to these systems. And yet, she and I attend a (lovely) church whose desire is to be multicultural, but at the moment still very White.
This book, like the other ones I’ve read, challenges White supremacy in a want for reconciliation and speaks directly to me as a White Christian. But where this book is different (for me) is that it’s written by a White man. Being a White male, Pastor Hill has the backing to be brutally honest with his audience, because he is the very audience he’s speaking to.
Though the books I’ve read by Black authors gave unique insight to their struggles and heartache—pains and hardships that I cannot fully understand—reading a book on White supremacy written by a White man is very different because there is no sugarcoating. Even still, I must mention Pastor Hill does wrap is challenging words with love. He is very good in helping the reader take next steps on their journey.
Pastor Hill has written a book that, though its more intellectual in scope, was hard to put down. And it is the perfect book for the churches like mine (and like my White friend and I) to read and discuss. Every page’s depth, scope, and theology challenged me to process the ideas, claims, and resolutions proposed and taught. This meant it was not an easy, leisurely read for me. It was one where I had to sit down with intentional focus and quiet surroundings to fully understand Pastor Hill’s message.
I cannot accurately explain the impact this book has had on me, and I can’t wait to get going on a small group in my church with this curriculum. I already have the discussion guides!
If you want to be challenged and grow, this book is for you. I give it 5 of 5 stars!
Reviewer’s Bio:
Reviewer’s Bio:
Kristen is passionate about storytelling and helping people take their next steps in their relationship with Jesus.

She lives forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. where she served as a Children's Ministry Director for many years. With the support of her husband and two children, she now stays home writing fiction and non-fiction.
She also serves on the women’s leadership team at her local church and writes for Crosswalk and Wholly Loved Ministries. You can check out her articles and novels at www.kristenterrette.com.
Connect with Kristen:
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Book Blurb for White Lies:
What can you do to be a force for racial justice?

In this practical and illuminating guide drawn from more than twenty years of cross-cultural work and learning from some of the greatest leaders of color, pastor and racial justice advocate Daniel Hill provides nine practices rooted in Scripture that will position you to be an active supporter of inclusion, equality, and racial justice. With stories, studies, and examples from his own journey, Hill will show you:
· How to get free of the impact of White supremacy individually and recognize that it works systemically
· How to talk about race in an intelligent and respectful way
· How to recognize which strategies are helpful and which are harmful
· What you can do to make a difference every day, after protests and major events
We cannot experience wholistic justice without confronting and dismantling White supremacy. But as we follow Jesus—the one who is supreme over all things—into overturning false power systems, we will become better advocates of the liberating and unconditional love that God extends to us all.
Author Bio:
Daniel Hill is the author of White Lies, White Awake, and 10:10: Life to the Fullest.

Formed in 2003, River City longs to see increased spiritual renewal as well as social and economic justice in the Humboldt Park neighborhood and entire city, demonstrating compassion and alleviating poverty as tangible expressions of the Kingdom of God.
Prior to starting River City, Daniel launched a dot.com in the 90's before serving five years on the staff of Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of Chicago.
Daniel has his B.S. in Business from Purdue University, his M.A. in Theology from Moody Bible Institute, his certificate in Church-based Community and Economic Development from Harvard Divinity School, and his D.Min. from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Daniel is married to Elizabeth, who is a Professor of Psychology, and they are the proud parents of Xander and Gabriella Hill.
Buy Daniel’s book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Walmart
Prior to starting River City, Daniel launched a dot.com in the 90's before serving five years on the staff of Willow Creek Community Church in the suburbs of Chicago.
Daniel has his B.S. in Business from Purdue University, his M.A. in Theology from Moody Bible Institute, his certificate in Church-based Community and Economic Development from Harvard Divinity School, and his D.Min. from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Daniel is married to Elizabeth, who is a Professor of Psychology, and they are the proud parents of Xander and Gabriella Hill.
Buy Daniel’s book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Walmart
Connect with Daniel:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pastordanielhill
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danielhill1336
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